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Marking and traceability systems

In every industrial sector it is becoming increasingly essential to have adequate processes of objectification and traceability.

Thanks to the consolidated know-how developed over time, we are able to respond to this need through the use of different marking technologies.

Since 1995 we have been designing and building micropercussion and engraving markers while, since 2012, we are Datalogic partners for all laser marking applications.

By combining the experience gained in this sector with the skills of our software development team, we create “turnkey” process traceability systems.

Our DV-TRACE system, flexible and modular, is adapted to the customer’s production cycle, ensuring the management of each individual phase and archiving all process data and information related to the associated components.

Datalogic Partnership

Over the years we have been able to build a strong relationship with Datalogic, based on trust, exchange and availability.

But what does it mean to be a partner? Being a partner is what allows us to offer solutions to customers.

Datalogic provides us with the laser source and we integrate it into Class 1 systems, configuring it according to the customer’s needs.






Technical support

Thanks to the partnership with Datalogic, we are able to mix skills both in the initial feasibility phase of the project and in after-sales, providing to the customer timely and constant feedback.

We have equipped ourselves with an internal laboratory where there are several laser sources to streamline the timelines and manage directly all case studies of new projects.

Sales network

Comparison and collaboration on the latest market trends and requests from new customers are the other fundamental ingredient of this partnership.

In this way, most of the time, we are able to provide not only the product but the entire turnkey system.

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